SN74F08N Texas Instruments - Datasheet PDF & Technical Specs


Texas Instruments

4-ch, 2-input, 4.5-V to 5.5-V high-speed (6 ns) bipolar AND gate 14-PDIP 0 to 70

Logic Gates

Price and Stock

Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 100 1000 10000
Mouser 595-SN74F08N 170 1 $ 0.70 $ 0.60 $ 0.46 $ 0.32 $ 0.27
Texas Instruments SN74F08N 23769 1 $ 0.56 --- --- --- ---
Arrow Electronics SN74F08N 1200 25 --- $ 0.37 * $ 0.33 $ 0.25 ---
DigiKey 296-3543-5-ND 1134 1 $ 0.74 $ 0.65 $ 0.50 $ 0.32 ---
Microchip USA SN74F08N 1084 1000 --- --- --- --- ---
Win Source 333156-SN74F08N 37500 195 --- --- $ 0.17 * $ 0.17 $ 0.17
Heisener Electronics SN74F08N 82638 $ 0.71 --- --- --- ---
Jak Electronics SN74F08N 33680 $ 0.15 $ 0.14 $ 0.13 $ 0.12 $ 0.11
RX Electronics Limited SN74F08N 585 10 --- --- --- --- ---
Cytech Systems SN74F08N 20000 $ 0.83 $ 0.78 $ 0.74 $ 0.70 $ 0.65
SHENGYU ELECTRONICS SN74F08N 18035 5 $ 0.74 * $ 0.73 $ 0.70 $ 0.68 $ 0.65
PNEDA Technology Co., Ltd. SN74F08N 17591 $ 0.71 --- --- --- ---
ZTZ Technology Limited SN74F08N 17528 $ 0.25 $ 0.23 $ 0.21 $ 0.17 ---
Lotson Electronic SN74F08N 16443 5 --- --- --- --- ---
Easev SN74F08N 8916 $ 0.28 --- --- --- ---
Advanced Electronics SN74F08N 3000 $ 22.32 $ 21.87 $ 21.20 $ 21.20 ---
Suntronic SN74F08N 380 10 --- --- --- --- ---
TME SN74F08N 720 3 $ 0.47 * $ 0.42 $ 0.30 * --- ---
LTL Group 5425447 314 $ 0.90 --- --- --- ---
Freelance Electronics SN74F08N 113 $ 0.16 --- --- --- ---
Classic Components SN74F08N 74 --- --- --- --- ---
Quest SN74F08N 67 $ 0.90 $ 0.54 * --- --- ---
Chip One Stop C1S746200032585 790 5 $ 0.35 * $ 0.33 $ 0.26 --- ---
Allchips SN74F08N 34849 100 --- --- --- --- ---
VNN Services SN74F08N 4602 --- --- --- --- ---
Novaconductors SN74F08N 600 --- --- --- --- ---
Decca Corp SN74F08N 50 --- --- --- --- ---
Abacus Technologies SN74F08N 308 --- --- --- --- ---
Sourceability SN74F08N 2399 --- --- --- --- ---
Sensible Micro SMC-SN74F08N 3 --- --- --- --- ---
Resion SN74F08N 123 --- --- --- --- ---
GreenTree Electronics SN74F08N 50 --- --- --- --- ---

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SN74F08N Datasheet

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Technical Specifications

Texas Instruments SN74F08N technical specifications, attributes, and parameters.

4-ch, 2-input, 4.5-V to 5.5-V high-speed (6 ns) bipolar AND gate 14-PDIP 0 to 70. Logic Gate; AND; 5 V (Nom.); 2 V (Min.); 0.8 V (Max.); 20 mA (Max.); PDIP; 0. AND 74F08 EAR99 74F logic gate circuit 5.6ns @ 5V 50pF 5.08mm 1mA 20mA 2V.


Case/Package PDIP
Mount Through Hole
Number of Pins 14
Weight 927.99329 mg


Height 5.08 mm
Length 19.3 mm
Thickness 3.9 mm
Width 6.35 mm


High Level Output Current -1 mA
Logic Function AND
Low Level Output Current 20 mA
Max Operating Temperature 70 °C
Max Output Current 20 mA
Max Supply Voltage 5.5 V
Min Operating Temperature 0 °C
Min Supply Voltage 4.5 V
Number of Bits 4
Number of Channels 4
Number of Circuits 4
Number of Elements 4
Number of Gates 4
Number of Input Lines 2
Number of Inputs 2
Number of Output Lines 1
Number of Outputs 1
Operating Supply Voltage 5 V
Output Current 20 mA
Propagation Delay 5.6 ns
Quiescent Current 8.6 mA
Schedule B 8542390000, 8542390000|8542390000|8542390000|8542390000|8542390000
Termination Through Hole
Turn-On Delay Time 6.6 ns


Lead Free Lead Free
Radiation Hardening No

Supply Chain

Lifecycle Status Production (Last Updated: 6 days ago)
Manufacturer Lifecycle Status ACTIVE (Last Updated: 6 days ago)


  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments
  • SN74F08N from Texas Instruments