{{ currentUsers | formatNumber }}
books being read right now
{{ monthlyBooks | formatNumber }}
books read in the last 30 days
{{ monthlyTime | formatNumber }}
hours of reading in the last 30 days

A personalized digital library at every student’s fingertips

myON is a student-centered, personalized digital library that gives students access to more than 7,000 enhanced digital books in the core collection. Titles are dynamically matched to each individual student’s interests, grade and reading level. Combined with a suite of close reading tools and embedded supports, myON fosters student engagement and achievement.

Authentic reporting on timely topics and current events

myON News, powered by News-o-Matic, delivers age-appropriate digital news articles for students, reporting on timely topics and current events. Articles incorporate engaging multimedia – videos, slideshows and photo galleries – to help students better understand the news. Subjects cover everything from space science and endangered species to football and fashion, engaging even the most reluctant reader.