Melvin L Stinnett from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
Republican Affiliation

Melvin L Stinnett's Oklahoma Voter Registration

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Melvin L Stinnett (age 79) is listed at 4825 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. Melvin is registered to vote in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.

Overview of Melvin L Stinnett

Lives in:  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Phone: View phone number Ad
Age:  79

Melvin Stinnett's Voter Registration

Party Affiliation: Republican Party
Registered to Vote In:  Oklahoma County, Oklahoma 
Registration Date:  07/16/2015
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 550578
Congressional District: 04
House District: 095
Senate District: 042
County District: 02
School Board District: Midwest City-Del City Schools At Large

Melvin Stinnett's Address & Maps

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 (32) Ind 4800 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (62) Democratic Party 4900 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (70) Republican Party 4901 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (60) Democratic Party 4909 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (60) Republican Party 4916 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (67) Republican Party 4917 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (27) Democratic Party 5008 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (64) Republican Party 5016 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150
 (77) Republican Party 5131 Robin Hill Ln Oklahoma City, Ok 73150

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