Psych Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet

Psych Chapter 12

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An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is his or her
B) personality.
C) reality principle.
D) identification process.
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An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is his or her
B) personality.
C) reality principle.
D) identification process.
The importance of unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences is of most central
importance to

A) humanistic theories .
B) psychodynamic theories.
C) social-cognitive theories.
D) trait theories.
psychodynamic theories.
Psychoanalysis refers to the personality theory and therapeutic practices developed by
A) Carl Rogers.
B) Gordon Allport.
C) Sigmund Freud.
D) Albert Bandura.
Sigmund Freud.
By professional training, Freud was a
A) philosopher.
B) sociologist.
C) physician.
D) literary scholar.
Freud became interested in unconscious personality dynamics when e noticed that
certain patients' symptoms
A) resulted from the physical abuse they received from their paren s during childhood.
B) reflected a loss of individualism.
C) illustrated a reciprocal determinism.
D) made no neurological sense.
made no neurological sense
Freud referred to the largely conscious "executive" part of the personality as the
A) Oedipus complex .
B) superego.
C) ego.
D) id.
According to Freud, the component of personality that seeks to reconcile the demands of
the id, superego, and reality is the
A) collective unconscious.
B) Oedipus complex.
C) erogenous zone.
D) ego.
Freud suggested that the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct pleasuresensitive
areas of the body known as
A) archetypes.
B) the Big Five.
C) erogenous zones.
D) Oedipus complexes.
erogenous zones.
Two-year-old Damien frequently refuses to obey his parents because he derives immense pleasure from demonstrating his independence from their control. Freud would
have suggested that Damien is going through the stage of development.
A) phallic
B) anal
C) latency
D) oral
According to Freud, boys are most likely to experience the Oedipus complex during the
____ stage.
A) anal
B) phallic
C) oral
D) latency
The Oedipus complex is the term used by Freud to describe
A) the erogenous zones that are the focus of the latency stage.
B) the passive dependence of someone who is orally fixated.
C) children's efforts to overcome feelings of inferiority.
D) boys' feelings of guilt and fear of punishment over their sexual desire for their mother.
boys' feelings of guilt and fear of punishment over their sexual desire for their mother.
Reaction formation refers to the process by which people
A) disguise unacceptable unconscious impulses by attributing them to others.
B) consciously express feelings that are the opposite of unacceptable unconscious impulses.
C) retreat to behavior patterns characteristic of a more infantile stage of development.
D) offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but unacceptable unconscious reasons for action.
consciously express feelings that are the opposite of unacceptable unconscious impulses.
The defense mechanism by which people disguise threatening impulses by attributing
them to others is called
B) displacement.
C) fixation.
D) reaction formation.
The defense mechanism in which self-justifying explanations replace the real, unconscious reasons for actions is
A) projection.
B) denial.
C) rationalization.
D) displacement.
Refusing to believe or even to perceive painful realities constitutes the defense mechanism known as
A) regression,
B) denial.
C) displacement.
D) projection.