Julia Craig Kelety - 1 Lawyer Reviews & Ratings - LawyerRatingz.com


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Julia Craig Kelety
Practice Area:  General Practice
Profile updated: 2/13/13    Submit profile update

poor quality
Rating: 1.0 (1-5) based on 1 reviews.

Lawyer Julia Craig Kelety has a poor overall rating on LawyerRatingz.com.

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Click to report rating    4/22/16   1     1     1     1     1   Refused time after time to make any kind of a stand for us on our probate case. Our lawyer asked several times to have the person stealing my father in laws property thru a bugus trust add on Removed as trustee and from property Kelety would not rule. Kelety at one point insulted my wife in open court. Long story short: we won the trial in Judge Meyers court. Because of Keletys non action my father in laws house became a mecca for homeless and druggies. We now have the house back (everything he ever owned is gone). The house is a mess and she took alot of money. All could have been prevented if Judge Kelety would have taken allittle of her time to make a judgement on just one of the many petitions. RID: 168295
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