Home | Jared Hill
  • Not as smart or funny as he thinks he is.

    Antoni Buccini
  • Wears an inappropriately short dressing gown.

    Mark Tureck
  • Jared ‘you owe me for that coffee five months ago’ Hill

    Phoebe Chandler
  • Allergic to the sun.

    Tilly Hill
  • I beat him at table tennis and he’s still bitter about it.

    Oliver Phillips
  • Could be really pretty if he made an effort.

    Rosie Hill
  • Don't laugh at his dad jokes. It only encourages him.

    Bella Pinto
  • Alcohol just makes him even more irritating.

    Oscar Dell’Anna
  • Jared Hill. No volume control.

    Kimberly Broom
  • He watches really weird videos on Youtube.

    Hannah Phillips
  • His mum still buys his underpants.

    Ruby Stevenson
  • He once made me laugh. Just the one time.

    Joel McCluskey
  • He drinks Huel all in one go, like a pelican. It’s gross.

    Han Craig

👋 Hi, I’m Jared (he/him), a product designer based in Sydney. The above quotes are real: in the name of transparency, I asked the people closest to me to describe my worst qualities.

If you still want to work with me, read on.

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A lot of my stuff is under wraps, but here’s a little whitelabelled look at what I’ve worked on.