John Chiv: Jane Doe #2's mom and Mario Alexander's ex wife wouldn't even look at him in court

Jan 15, 2019

Jane Doe #2's mom and Mario Alexander's ex wife wouldn't even look at him in court

Julianna Alexander, mother of Jane Doe #2 and Mario Alexander's ex wife would not even look at him in court. Julianna Alexander referred to him as, "my then husband Mario Alexander."

She has two children with him, Jane Doe #2, now 12 years old and a 5 year old boy. She verified Jane Doe's testimony that she was three years old when she first met Mario Alexander.

Julianna Alexander said there was a period when she didn't live with Mario Alexander because he went to jail.

Mario Alexander's attorney, Mr. Russ Clanton objected. Court took a break. When testimony resumed, Judge Wilson said, he was going to strike the jail part of the answer from the record and the jury could not consider it in their deliberations.

Julianna Alexander said in April 2016, she "received a call from mid morning" from Shannon Borba, Jane Doe #1's mom.

Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads: "After that phone call, did you at some point take your daughter for a forensic interview?

Julianna Alexander said that interview was scheduled two weeks from the call from Shannon Borba. Julianna Alexander told her daughter, "she just needed to tell the truth."

Ms. Eads showed her People's exhibit #4, which Julianna Alexander identified as  "the bunk bed the boys shared."

During his cross examination, Mr. Clanton asked Julianna Alexander about Jane Doe # 2's biological dad, Donny G. and if Jane Doe #2 lived with him when she was five years old.

Julianna Alexander said, yes. Jane Doe #2 stayed at her paternal grandmother's Leonora Webb house with Leonora Webb's husband Vernon, their son and other grandchildren.

Mr. Clanton asked Julianna Alexander if she knew that Vernon Webb was a convicted child molestor. "Not at that time," said Julianna Alexander.

Julianna Alexander answered yes to two interviews with law enforcement and that she was aware that the one after the CAST interview was recorded.

Mr. Clanton asked her, "You told law enforcement the children had left Leonora Webb's house due to sexual acts cousins performed together."

Ms. Eads objected. Attorneys "approached", spoke with Judge Christopher Wilson. The objection was sustained.

Julianna Alexander said that K, (Mario Alexander's older son with his ex Melissa) and Jane Doe #2 shared a room in 2012 and 2013. She separated the two of them because Jane Doe #2 was getting older. Julianna Alexander answered ,"no" in response to Mr Clanton asking if thay decision was based on concern about sexual contact between K and Jane Doe #2.

Julianna Alexander responded "yes" to discussions with Child Welfare Services about allegations of inappropriate conduct between K and Jane Doe #2. This was at a time Mario Alexander and his ex Melissa, K's mother were "going through custody issues."

Julianna Alexander said she did ask her daughter about these allegations of inappropriate conduct with K and Jane Doe #2 denied it.

Julianna Alexander said that Jane Doe #2 did make allegations about Mario Alexander that she later recanted.

"In April 2016, I had just asked him to leave and asked him to move his stuff to another room." She said Jane Doe #2 was aware of this decision.

During questioning on re-direct, Ms. Eads asked how old Jane Doe #2 was when the allegations about inappropriate conduct with K were discussed. Julianna Alexander said Jane Doe #2 was 6 years old. This was the same age when Jane Doe #2 made the allegations about Mario Alexander, which she later recanted.

During re-cross examination, Mr. Clanton asked Julianna Alexander if Jane Doe mentioned an incident with adult male at Bounce-a-Palooza.

Julianna Alexander said, "No."

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