Meet the Texans: Jelani Hawkins
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Meet the Texans: Jelani Hawkins

Tackle fells tenpins, seeks same for DEs

When your NFL career is over, will you ever consider joining the
Pro Bowlers Association


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Answer: I don't think so. It's something fun to do, hanging out with friends during down time but nothing professionally. I've bowled a couple of 200 games. I took a class in college. I would go bowling with my roommates every week after games.

Q: How long have you been bowling?

A: I used to bowl when I was in high school. A lot of my friends, we would go out for Sunday night bowling in Los Angeles from 8 p.m. to midnight for about $10 for unlimited games. They would have a DJ. It was almost like a big party.


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Q: What's the highest game you've ever bowled?

A: I think I bowled a 263. I was feeling a little lucky that day.

Q: When it's not football season, how else do you occupy your time?

A: Right now I'm into wakeboarding. My friend, Heather, who was on the soccer team in college, got me into that. It's like snowboarding, but on water. You basically stand on a board while a boat pulls you.


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Q: What is the origin of your first name?

A: It's a Swahili name meaning "mighty."