Hugo of Oswald


“Let man perish, if he cannot become either a god on Earth, or integrate himself into our world, ruled by gods on earth!”

Manchester, England
Joined May 2016


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Aug 19

    Whether we are destined to be judged by God or not, those of faith hold one another in judgement and forgiveness in pursuit of divinity. Opposition to religion has little to do with God's existence, but the desire to do as one pleases to the greatest possible degree.

  2. Aug 22

    This time of year is immensely depressing. The fact this occurs in civilised society makes me mad.

  3. Aug 22

    You have a purpose, You have a people, You can be a hero. Fight back. Reject cultural nihilism.

  4. Aug 22

    Depression is no joke, but we need to have a serious discussion about why anti-Nazi social justice warriors are invariably abject failures. A modernist, folkish and vigorous political worldview improves life performance. Don't be like Mike.

  5. Aug 21

    I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


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