Ge Gen - 葛根 - Radix Puerariae - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon - Dr Joel Penner OMD, LAc


Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Puerariae
Common English: Kudzu Root
Herbs that Release the Exterior: Cool, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior (Wind-Heat Diaphoretics)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Maximum dose: 60g
Tincture: 2-4 ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Discharges Exterior conditions and releases the muscles, especially of the neck and upper back

Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold lodged in the muscles of the upper back and neck

Relieves Heat and generates fluids (relieves thirst)

Thirst due to Stomach Heat or Wind-Heat or Wasting and Thirsting

Vents and discharges measles

Measles with incomplete expression of the rash

Raises Spleen Yang and stops diarrhea

Diarrhea or dysentery due to Heat

Diarrhea due to Spleen Deficiency (with appropriate herbs)

Alleviates symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus or paresthesia

  • Use caution for those with excessive sweating with coldness in the Stomach.
  • Use caution during the summer when Excess perspiration accompanies Wind-Heat.
  • Use with caution in conjunction with antidiabetics such as insulin, tolbutamide (Orinase), glipizide (Glucotrol) and glyburide (DiaBeta/Micronase) as there may be a synergistic effect.
  • Use with caution in conjunction with anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin (Coumadin) and exoparin (Lovenox) and antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, dipyridamole (Persantine) and clopidogrel (Plavix) as there may be a synergistic effect.

Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Hua Shi)


Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
(Gypsum Fibrosum)
(Shi Gao)

Hb. Ephedrae
Ma Huang
Ram Cinnamomi
Gui Zhi


Ram Cinnamomi
Gui Zhi
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao

Rz. Cimicifugae
Sheng Ma
(Rx. Paeoniae Alba)
Bai Shao)
Rx. Glycyrrhizae)
(Gan Cao)


Wind-Cold with stiffness and tension in the upper back and neck.

Early stage measles where the rash has not yet appeared.

Rz. Cimicifugae
Sheng Ma
(Rx. Paeoniae Alba)
Bai Shao)
Hb. Schizonepetae
Jing Jie
Hb. Menthae
Bo He

Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang

Rz. Coptidis
Huang Lian
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin

Early stage measles where the rash has not yet appeared with a stronger effect.

Thirst due to Stomach Heat.

Wasting and thirsting syndrome.

Heat induced diarrhea.

Dysenteric disorders due to Damp-Heat.

Rx. Dioscoreae

Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu

Fr. Gardeniae
Zhi Zi

Diarrhea due to Heat where the fluids are injured.

Diarrhea due to Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiency.

Exterior patterns where the the chills gradually improve while the fever gradually increases along with stiffening of the neck and upper back and absence of sweating.


Flos Puerariae
Ge Hua


Flos Chrysanthemi
Ju Hua

Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi

Rx. Ginseng
Ren Shen
Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Rx. Aucklandiae
Mu Xiang


Rx. Codonopsis
Dang Shen
Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Rx. Aucklandiae
Mu Xiang

Relieves drunkenness or hangover.

Internal Heat with Body Fluid Deficiency.

Diarrhea due to Spleen Deficiency.

Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang

Gypsum Fibrosum
Shi Gao
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu

Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii
Qiang Huo
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Gypsum Fibrosum
Shi Gao
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin

Wasting and thirsting disorder.

Half Exterior - half Interior syndrome.


  1. This herb is dual acting, it relieves surface ailments that involve flushing up (shoulder/neck tension, headache, sinus congestion etc.) and is valuable for gastrointestinal problems e.g. diarrhea.
  2. It is very starchy and is widely used as a starch in Japan.
  3. The flowers which Ge Gen Hua are sweet and neutral treat alcoholic poisoning (hangover), thirst, hemorrhoidal bleeding, dysentery and intestinal gas with Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen, Fr. Amomi Bai Dou Kou and Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi in a dosage of 3-12 gm.
  4. The vine treats coughs and general weakness.
  5. Recent studies show that Ge Gen has restorative and relaxant actions on coronary and cardiac functions and treats very successfully problems such as angina, hypertension and migraine.
  6. Pueraria leaf treats bleeding wounds and snakebite.
  7. It raises the Clear Yang Qi of the Yang Ming.
  8. Some sources say that this herb relieves sinus congestions and counteracts toxins.
  9. This herb is said to treat people who get tired easily, can't lose weight and have trouble standing in one place for long.
  10. Both Ge Gen and Rx. Trichosanthis Tian Hua Fen treat wasting and thirsting disorder. Ge Gen lifts the Yin while Tian Hua Fen moistens the Lung and Stomach expels Lung and Stomach Heat. Ge Gen raises the Stomach Yang fluids to nourish the Lungs, disperses exterior pathogens and releases the muscle layer. It treats fever through is acrid dispersal of Heat while Tian Hua Fen treats fever through its cold nature by cooling it. Ge Gen alleviates thirst by drawing on Stomach Yang fluids to provide nourishment and thus may exhaust Stomach fluids while Tian Hua Fen generates fluids. If there is diarrhea, Ge Gen can lift the Yin fluids to stop it.
  11. Both Ge Gen and Rx. Ephedrae Ma Huang lightly lift, disperse and drive out Excess, but the channels they enter are completely different. Ge Gen is a Yang Ming channel herb and also enters the Spleen which governs the muscles  and flesh while Ma Huang is a Tai Yang channel herb and enters the Lungs which govern the skin and hair.
  12. Unprepared Kudzu Sheng Ge Gen or Dried Kudzu Gan Gen Gen is used to release the muscle layer, raise fluids, alleviate thirst and vent rashes.
  13. Roasted Kudzu Wei Gen Gen has a reduced cooling, dispersing nature to specifically raise and bring out the clear Yang Qi of the Spleen and Stomach. it has stronger harmonizing diarrhea relieving actions. it is appropriate for diarrhea due to Spleen Deficiency.
  14. Kudzu Starch Ge Fen is very cold and is stronger at generating fluids and relieving thirst and is more effective at cooling Heat and relieving irritability to treat stifling Heat in the chest with thirst, irritability and restlessness.
  15. Flos Puerariae Ge Hua is sweet, neutral and enters the Stomach channel. it relieves hangovers, awakens the Spleen and is used to treat headaches, fever, irritability, thirst, a feeling of fullness and bloating in the chest and diaphragm and vomiting from excessive use of alcohol. it is usually combined with Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen, Fr. Amomi Rotundus Bai Dou Kou and Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi, with a dosage of 3-12g. It also treats hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  16. Kudzu Leaf Ge Gen Ye treats bleeding wounds and snakebites at a dosage of 15-60g.