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Frank Witney

Gyros Protein Technologies has appointed Frank Witney as a chairman of the board. Witney succeeds David Patterson, who remains at the company as a director. Most recently, Witney served as president and CEO of Affymetrix, which was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in March 2016. He also served as president and CEO of Dionex, which was also acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific, and has held executive roles at various companies — he was president and CEO of Panomics, which was acquired by Affymetrix, and chief operating officer of Packard Biosciences, which was acquired by PerkinElmer.

The Scan

Team Tracks Immune T Cell Consequences of Y Chromosome Loss, Bladder Cancer Consequences

A Nature study delving into Y chromosome-related cancer features in men highlights aggressive bladder cancer cases and related immune effects in men with Y chromosome loss.

Hippocampal Trait GWAS Lead to Associations Across, Within Ancestry Groups

Researchers reporting in Nature Genetics describe hundreds of variant associations linked to hippocampal volume traits in individuals of European and non-European ancestry.

Conservation Genomic Study Uncovers Citrus Crop Clues in Wild Plant Relatives

A PLOS Genetics paper reports on conservation genomic findings found by resequencing 73 Fortunella accessions, representing plants related to cultivated kumquats.

New Model to Understand Phenotypic Presentation of Mendelian Disease in Electronic Health Records

A new study in Genetics in Medicine investigates the phenotypic presentation of Mendelian disease across the diagnostic trajectory in electronic health records.