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Urology Center in Baton Rouge

For Adults, Children, and Seniors

Urology Center in Baton Rouge

For Adults, Children, and Seniors

Our Services

Providing Quality Urological Care

Baton Rouge Urology Group is a leading urological center serving Baton Rouge, LA, and surrounding areas. Our physicians, providers, and staff offer their years of expertise and cutting-edge medical technology, ensuring our patients receive the finest urological treatments. We care for adults, children, and seniors with commitment and empathy.

BR Urology Front Office

An Accommodating Office

Compassion is a cornerstone of our practice. We understand that urology appointments can be daunting for new and returning patients. That’s why we make the process comfortable and convenient. We greet patients with warm, welcoming smiles and provide accommodations during their visits. We encourage patients to talk openly and honestly about their needs and concerns so that we can develop solutions suited to them.

Medical stethoscope

Modern Technology and Innovative Treatments

Our practice evolves and grows with the ever-changing field of urology. Change involves outfitting our office with the latest and greatest in urological technology, methods, and techniques. Our technology comprises da Vinci robotic surgery, an innovative surgical procedure that reduces pain, post-op complications, and recovery times. We’ll enable you to return to normal quickly.

Our Core Values

Our teams provide exceptional urological treatments, care, and services for patients daily. Our core values are compassion, dignity, mutual respect, and trust. Sustaining solid and honest relationships with patients is essential to our teams. We build foundations of trust between every man, woman, and child who chooses us for help, and they know they’ll receive empathy and undivided attention whenever they visit our office. At Baton Rouge Urology Group, we treat patients as unique individuals and devise personalized plans for them to recover and thrive.

6516 E Myrtle

6516 E Myrtle Ave, Baker, LA 70714, USA

7777 Hennessy

7777 Hennessy Blvd #2004, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, USA

Louisiana 30

Louisiana 30 W, Gonzales, LA, USA

178 MS-24

178 MS-24, Centreville, MS 39631, USA