Debra Brown: books, biography, latest update

Debra Brown

About the author

Debra cut her teeth on the Bookhouse Books, which created a nagging longing to live in a land of castles and wear flowing gowns and exquisite headdresses. Though life kept her busy, she was eventually able to do so vicariously through the characters of her books. Her first published novel, The Companion of Lady Holmeshire, is set in early Victorian England. Emma, a former servant girl, is chosen as companion to The Countess of Holmeshire and dragged along into polite society where she is sure to receive a rude reception. Debra's work-in-progress, For the Skylark, is on the back burner but simmering slowly. She has spent more time on the development and running of a multi-author blog, English Historical Fiction Authors. The group posts a daily article on British history and has a weekly historical fiction giveaway. History lovers join us with their morning tea at Shortly after the first anniversary of the blog, an author suggested the creation of a book composed of select posts. A year later, to celebrate the second anniversary on September 23, 2013, Castles, Customs, and Kings: True Tales by English Historical Fiction Authors, edited by Debra and the late M.M. Bennetts, was released. Volume II will be released on September 23, 2015, and we hope to continue the series. You can chat with Debra about history and historical fiction and meet her author friends on Facebook at and at her Goodreads group, Historical Info for Historical Fiction Readers. Debra is the President of the M.M. Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction Association which honors the author of an outstanding novel each year with a $500 USD prize. Winners are announced at the annual Historical Novel Society Conference. Learn more at

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