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Alyssa Schwartz
Vaguely exotic and totally obscure. Writer and digital consultant. Friends don't let friends call me A-liss-a. She/her
Torontoalyssaschwartz.caJoined September 2008

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“We’ve got a narrow window” “The risk is going up day by day” “I am concerned” All quotes from Dr. Moore in this article. So where are the covid protections he keeps saying he “won’t hesitate” to recommend?
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“Seeing this trend early in October of increase in hospitalization, increase in intensive care units and watching newer strains in Europe has got me concerned" says Dr. Moore" “We’ve got a narrow window to prevent impacts on our health system" Full story.
John Tory: "The City needs an experienced leader, it hasn't had one for 12 years!"
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Tory in his opening statement says he loves Toronto and "working for you." Says city needs an experienced leader. Economic recovery is underway following devastating pandemic. Have transit plan with other govts. Supportive housing units being built.
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At a bare minimum, the province needs to go back to telling people with covid to isolate, and they need to do so loudly and today. But also #BringBackMasks
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Dr. Kieran Moore is warning the public that more masking may be needed as COVID-19 cases rise across the province.
The thing is, after eight years of John Tory's leadership the basics AREN'T better. They're barely functional. And if all you have after eight years is "Hey, I'm hopeful things will turn around" you don't understand what leadership is in the first place.
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Tory rejects "this hopeless pessimistic view of the city - I'm hopeful." Says he's very optimistic that if we always work on making the basics better, we can make improvements and keep budget sustainable. Yan counters with people leaving Toronto
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Let’s do nothing!
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NEW - Dr. Moore tells CityNews that he's "Concerned" "Seeing this trend early in October of increase in hospitalization, increase in intensive care unit, and watching newer strains in Europe has got me concerned" He's urging everyone to get their Covid boosters & flu shot.
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Someone said to me today that Jews can blend in by hiding their identity and that’s why we as Jews have white privilege. I guess my question is when did hiding one’s identity in order to avoid discrimination become a privilege?
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If someone isn’t already interested and engaged with current events and political news, they’re simply not going to pay for it. Paywalls keep those potential readers in the dark. There needs to be a better way.
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Reupping this thread ahead of the municipal election. Paywalls are a real Catch-22 when it comes to growing an informed, engaged electorate. Also worth noting which outlets have and don’t have paywalls and who that serves. For example, vs.
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We need to talk about the effect of paywalls in the context of issues like low voter turnout and misinformation (misinformation is always free!). As a writer, I know quality isn’t cheap. But ignoring the unintended consequences of paywalls is a big risk
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The quote tweets and responses to this are 💯. John Tory has had eight years to make our city more liveable and the results are erosion, decay and reduced access to public spaces. #SorryTory I’m voting for
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Parks are an essential part of what makes any city liveable, and Toronto is no exception. I'm committed to making Toronto cleaner and greener by continuing to invest in our parks, and build even more of them. Learn more about my plan:
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Attention every voter in the City of Toronto. Every one of you. Whether you’re willing to consider voting for for Mayor of your city or not, I encourage u to follow him on Twitter, learn about what he’s proposing for a better Toronto, & discuss it. And share this.
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“I want to give Toronto hope,” @penalosa_g said. “I keep meeting younger people who have no hope. They see the city falling apart, and they say, this is how it is, & how it’s going to be.” “I hope I can get people to wish for better.” Via @AlexBozikovic
Basically it’s the marshmallow test
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Some personal observations on the characteristics of people I know who are continuing to take as much care as possible to not get Covid (in no particular order): a short 🧵 1. High impulse control 2. Personal experience of serious illness 3. Strong internal locus of control
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A great thread from a great journalist on the importance of interviewing with empathy and care
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🧵I want to share some thoughts about reporting on long COVID and other complex chronic illnesses. (e.g. below) This is a thread about the ethos behind these pieces, and how I’ve approached interviewing, writing, and the rest of it. 1/
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Okay WOW. Just WOW. My 19yo daughter found it. She found the labyrinthine magical bookstore that you thought only existed in stories. This place is WILD and clearly chock full of forbidden tomes that open portals to other worlds. Get cozy and come with me on a magical journey.
A dark wood bookshelf full of old books, with more in precarious stacks aroud it, in a low-ceilinged nondescript room with bits of brick wall and faded antique rug visible
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This is a really good point and in many cases, seems like yet another tactic for silencing women. Also: why is there no male equivalent? I’ve seen plenty of white man tantrums online and the discourse around them is never the same as when it’s a woman.
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The internet has turned "Karens" into any woman upset in public to the point where in almost every workshop I give now, women (of all ethnicities!) share that an extra barrier to bystander intervention is fear they'll be filmed and dragged for being "a Karen" online.…
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If any leader of a provincial party in Ontario put out a candidate slate that was 80% white, it'd be a big talking point and a red flag. , in effect, is doing that in Toronto, the most diverse city in the province. He's essentially a party leader without a formal party.
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In a city that’s over 50% immigrant, @JohnTory so far has endorsed an 80% white council slate in Toronto. This is not pleasant to talk about, but it is a problem. Tory’s circle is incredibly insular. There’s not a lot of diversity of thought - or anything really - in this group.…
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Still thinking about the fact that I read cooking chicken in NyQuil as cooking children in NyQuil yesterday, and that because of the times we live in I didn’t even blink.
It would be nice if the same convention we have for federal and provincial elections applied and John Tory wasn’t getting daily airtime making appearances as mayor while the other candidates receive no such boost.
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Replying to @JohnLorinc
I’ve seen no coverage of the election, which is apparently a month away. Are there other candidates? Is someone running against our city councillor?