Welcome to Wildrockies InfoNet

Welcome to Wildrockies InfoNet
Today is a good day; we can always start with a new Slate…
—Jim Coefield

The InfoNet is currently stable. If you are looking for information about how to configure your email, use our listserves, or about your website, please give me a call at 406-880-6954, or email me (you should know that!).

I’d like to welcome folks to the Wildrockies InfoNet. The InfoNet has been dedicated to providing support and services to nonprofits and activists in the Wild Rockies Bioregion since 1995. While we have undergone many changes and changed locations and affiliations, our mission is still the same. Our aim is to continue providing services to those working tirelessly to protect and preserve the values of the the land that we have all come to cherish.

If you are looking for some of our archives, please visit our companion Wildrockies Info Archive site.

It has been almost 30 years since I began these services, and we have moved our hosting to SiteGround. The list serves that we have supported continue to service many different areas, but from a cloud-based network service. If somehow you have lost touch, and want to get ahold of me, please do by sending an email to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

And thank you to those who have encouraged me and supported me over the years to continue this pursuit!

Thank You for Your Support!