The Arc | For People With Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities


Support the fight for disability rights.


Support the fight for disability rights.

Our Mission

Promoting and protecting the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Our Impact

With your help, we are working every day to build a future of inclusive work, play, worship, community, travel, and more.



70+ Years




What We Do

How You Can Help

A man is leaning over a table with a white ballot box that says "Vote." He's writing something on a paper and next to him is a roll of voting stickers. He's wearing a T-shirt that says, "Your Voice. Your Vote."

Your Vote Has Power!

November 5, 2024, is Election Day and there are so many elections happening at the local, state, and federal levels. The people who get picked to run the government can make decisions that have a big impact on the lives of people with disabilities and their families. If you don’t vote, then you don’t get a say in what happens. Use our free resources to check if your voter registration status, register, and to make sure you have the information you need to make your vote count the next time you cast a ballot.

Special Education Advocacy Curriculum

Whether you are a parent, educator, service provider, or non-attorney advocate, The Arc@School’s Advocacy Curriculum provides the basic information needed to navigate the special education system. Learn about early intervention services, individualized education programs, Section 504, and more. We also have a new Advocacy Curriculum in Spanish!

A photo of a young boy and young girl standing in front of a white board with math equations written on it.
Two woman with clenched fists smile and pretend to box

Join the Fight for Equal Rights for All

The Arc fights every day to protect civil rights and access to vital programs, such as Medicaid, for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). But we can’t do it alone! We need the help of people with IDD, their families, and allies of the cause.

Sign up today to receive updates on our movement, take action, and make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

Keep Up With The Arc

Featured Sponsors & Funders

A graphic of an American flag. Next to is is text that reads: Mutual of America Financial Group. Retirement Services, Investments
Comcast NBCuniversal logo featuring rainbow icon above the text
Common Energy logo - the words "Common Energy" in blue text. Around the C are short green lines coming off of it
A logo with the words DIVERSEability magazine in a blue font.
arc thrift stores logo with a black hanger over the words "arc thrift stores"