07566 Mobile Phone Numbers | O2

Mobile Prefix: 07566

Which network uses the prefix 07566?

All UK numbers starting with 07 are dedicated for mobiles, pagers and personal numbering only. 07566 numbers are officially allocated to O2 for mobile phone services, so they will have originally been issued to customers by O2 .

However, since the advent of Mobile number portability (MNP), mobile phone number prefixes can no longer be relied on to determine the current operator of a particular mobile network. Customers are free to take their number with them when they change networks which means that an 07566 number is not a reliable indicator of which network a phone is currently connected to, only the original operator.

Call Costs

Calls to mobiles are charged between 6p and 32p per minute from landlines and are typically not included in free call packages. Call costs from mobiles vary according to the calling plan chosen. Typically they cost between 3p and 40p per minute. Calls between mobile phones are normally included in free call packages.

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